Friday, November 24, 2006

Thoughts on turning 40

I was laying in bed last night thinking about turning 40 next year and it occurred to me that Im kind of looking forward to being all grown up. If the average age a woman lives to is around 81, then I am very nearly almost half-way there. Here are a few reasons why I am looking forward to being 40:
  • First and foremost, Im not dead. I have lost three friends prematurely in the last handful of years. Two of them would love to have made it to 40, Im pretty sure. So Im gonna celebrate on their behalf. Im lucky to be turning 40 so Im not gonna mizz over it.
  • My 40 years have been happy and I am content to be the person I am at 40. I figured last night that if I was unfulfilled, then turning 40 might be a more difficult proposition. If Tim and I were still trying for children for instance, then it would probably be more difficult for me to enjoy turning 40. If I wasnt basically content, then I might be wondering at 40 if I was ever gonna be.
  • It's just another year. In fact, its just another day, or another minute or nano-second. Why would I wanna fuss about that? Who invented time anyway? If years consisted of 730 days instead of 365 then I would only be 20 years old next year and my life expectency would only be 40 years. It's just a load of numbers and I dont really do them.
  • Im not afraid of dying I just dont want to die young if I can avoid it. I want to live as many years as possible so Im gonna celebrate each year I do live. Besides, so many people have died before me and I firmly believe in an afterlife although what form it takes, I guess I will have to wait and find out.
  • Tim is already 45 so Im always gonna be his younger wife. Ha ha ha.
  • Melissa (big sis) is older than me :o)
  • My cats will be lucky to make it to 18 years old.
  • 40 is the new 30.
  • I've got no choice.
Ramblings I know but hey, it's my blog.


Anonymous said...

A PollyAnna thought - every year's a good one if you work to make it so - even the year's when not good things happen.
Love Christine

Anonymous said...

You know you're getting old when...
you try to straighten out the wrinkles in your socks and discover you aren't wearing any.

Carpie said...

At 63 you donñt even think about it and just join the playground of life.